Maintaining a Positive Attitude

Just six months ago, Vicki woke up and taught an early aerobics class like she always did. She then went on to her job at the bank. A normal day quickly changed when she fainted at work from having a stroke. Since her stroke, Vicki has made immense progress physically; in six months she has…

Still Laughing and Contributing

Ann Semple was a schoolteacher and social butterfly who loved to travel around the globe. She collected beer cans along the way and ultimately collected thousands. Her favorite travel site was the Great Wall of China. Ann had her stroke January 1, 2001 while with her friend Greg. She was diagnosed with aphasia. Communicating with…

Lynda Hilborn

On April 24, 2007, Lynda performed her normal morning routine and left for her job as a K-4 teacher. Three hours later her husband was called as she was exhibiting levels of “confusion”. By that evening she was hospitalized with viral encephalitis. As a result of the encephalitis Lynda was in the Neural Intensive Care…